State and federal legislation often affect the benefits you receive as a member of Cedar Falls Community Credit Union. Members tell us they rely on CFCCU to stay informed of pending legislation and inform them of possible negative member impact. We need support those lawmakers—regardless of party affiliation—who help credit unions better serve credit union members.
A survey of more than 600 Iowa credit union members said they want to know more about legislative issues and candidates, regardless of party affiliation, that affect the way they save, borrow and manage money.
The Iowa Credit Union League evaluates state and federal candidates who have best exemplified the positive advancement of credit union issues. This is based on a candidate’s record on important consumer finance issues, positive history of credit union interaction and answers to a credit union questionnaire the league sends to all candidates. Cedar Falls Community Credit Union is chartered in and affected by Iowa law, and we focus on candidates in Iowa.
Your voice does make a difference. Consider becoming a credit union advocate through the Stronger Together movement. Receive updates on legislative actions impacting members like you, join the effort or search elected officials. As part of the credit union movement, we are Stronger Together when we make our collective voice heard.